Saturday, December 12, 2015


The choice i had made
Was quite so strange
So i focused on how
How i might make a change

I sat there alone
I sat there, just me
Only to realize
I wanted to be free

Too peculiar to decide
Too ridiculous to view
But seriously needing
Something fun to do

But all i did was to
And that wasn't helping not
One little bit

And then something clicked
Like an epiphany of rocks
That hit my head
I required socks!

My toes were curiously numb
My feet abnormally cold
How could i leave with empty shoes?
Oh how that would be bold!

So i went to my room
And dug through my drawer
Oh yes, there they are
Camo socks. Score!!!

So my choice formally perplexing
Now seemed so elementary
Once i deciphered my choice
It was remarkably complementary

So next time you feel anxious or blue
Just sit down, only you
Think a lot, and right on que
You may find your answer or a clue!

Boredom break

Sunday, November 22, 2015

"Not Just": A poem to burned out nurses

Not Just

I am not just your patient
I am a person too
Fake nods of your head
Makes me feel unworthy of you

Sometimes your tone says that
My thoughts are mostly meaningless
Then I ponder why I share
As they are regarded as pointless

As a patient I often feel helpless
Your snarky remarks indicate I am inadequate when what I really require
Is an authentic advocate

Your "yes, honey"s as you walk away
Along with the exasperation in your voice
Show me my words are a nuisance
And my verbal expressions are just noise

Dependence on someone else for healthcare
Is often difficult for me
Consequently being labeled as uncooperative  and non-compliant
So without any predilection,  thats who you will always see

I am not just a patient
I am a person too
I am not who you think i am
If you only knew