Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Update on Mom 3

Devastation, uncertainty, incomprehension, incredulousness, bewilderment....
My mom had port surgically implanted in her shoulder on Friday afternoon. It was late, so, the doctors kept her one more night. We took off in the EZ rental mini-van to Lorida Florida Saturday morning. When we got there – we experienced an awesome act of kindness. Some of my step-dads friends had come in to their house, disabled their waterbed (my mom just can't climb in and out of it anymore) and brought in a twin bed for Lonny and a hospital bed for my mother. They also hired a cleaning crew and sanitized and cleaned (my mom hadn't cleaned the house in 3 months) the whole house from top to bottom, included washing sheets, blankets and towels. They even swept the porch and mowed the lawn, and to top it all off, stocked the freezer, refrigerator and cabinets with food, and brought in flowers for a finishing touch! How cool was that? Mom got right into her new bed and pretty much stayed there the rest of the weekend. Lonny had her up walking around the house yesterday and today. She isn't eating anything, can't keep much down. She eats ice, some juice and just this morning had some Jell-o. She sleeps a lot. She still has a positive attitude and her spirits are up. She feels and is comforted by all your prayers. My step-dad Lonny is devastated. A mess; A wreck; He is losing his soul mate. He is also overwhelmed with the caring of the medical needs of my mother, taking care of his business and the thought of being a single parent to a special needs child. He is not a Christian and doesn't have anywhere to get his strength from. Grams’ is heartbroken too. She lost her husband, her oldest son has dementia, and now her daughter is dying of cancer. Nicole doesn't really understand what is going on. She knows her mom is sick but doesn't understand why she is not getting better. Every day Nicole asks my mom "are you better, mommy?" she just doesn't get it. Me? Well, I am doing ok. I just got back home to Georgia but I have received some really cool acts of prayerfulness this week. God has been speaking to me through people at the right place at the right times. I have had an astounding amount of strength that could only have come from God.....Please continue to pray for my mom and my family as this is an arduous time for all.

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