Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Update on Mom 1

Its ironic how when your world stops the rest of the world keeps on going and you are left standing in the vastness of the truth.....the numbness that can suddenly take over your entire body and the fact that you cannot wrap your mind around what you just heard......The surgeon came out after about an hour and said that the cancer is everywhere, all over her body. There is really nothing he can do to save her. If he keeps on going, he runs a much higher risk and she may never leave this hospital. If he stops and closes her back up, she would be able to go home to die. Lonny and I decided that she would much rather be at home, and elected to stop the surgery. We are both torn, hoping we made the right decision. We are going to go meet the surgeon back here at 6am, and he is going to tell mom then. He doesn't want to tell her much of anything while she is still under anesthesia. Please continue to pray for her and that she is comfortable and at peace. Family - we haven't told grams yet. Please pray for her and how she will take the news, as she has been in denial for so long, she will have to face the reality of the situation. Feel free to call if you have any questions and I or Lonny can answer them as best as we can. We will also be making phone calls later.

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