Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Update on Mom 4

My mother is back in the hospital. Her hemoglobin levels were real low so they admitted her to Highlands Regional (closer to her home than Tampa) in Sebring. They said she was very dehydrated, to the point where the doctor was concerned about her Kidneys. She is now all hooked up through her port so she isn't being poked and prodded so much. Even though she is hospitalized she is feeling a lot better. She even ate soup for dinner. Lonny accepted Jesus as his savior yesterday and is very excited about his new found faith. They have already had a stream of visitors today. Her spirits are up.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Update on Mom 3

Devastation, uncertainty, incomprehension, incredulousness, bewilderment....
My mom had port surgically implanted in her shoulder on Friday afternoon. It was late, so, the doctors kept her one more night. We took off in the EZ rental mini-van to Lorida Florida Saturday morning. When we got there – we experienced an awesome act of kindness. Some of my step-dads friends had come in to their house, disabled their waterbed (my mom just can't climb in and out of it anymore) and brought in a twin bed for Lonny and a hospital bed for my mother. They also hired a cleaning crew and sanitized and cleaned (my mom hadn't cleaned the house in 3 months) the whole house from top to bottom, included washing sheets, blankets and towels. They even swept the porch and mowed the lawn, and to top it all off, stocked the freezer, refrigerator and cabinets with food, and brought in flowers for a finishing touch! How cool was that? Mom got right into her new bed and pretty much stayed there the rest of the weekend. Lonny had her up walking around the house yesterday and today. She isn't eating anything, can't keep much down. She eats ice, some juice and just this morning had some Jell-o. She sleeps a lot. She still has a positive attitude and her spirits are up. She feels and is comforted by all your prayers. My step-dad Lonny is devastated. A mess; A wreck; He is losing his soul mate. He is also overwhelmed with the caring of the medical needs of my mother, taking care of his business and the thought of being a single parent to a special needs child. He is not a Christian and doesn't have anywhere to get his strength from. Grams’ is heartbroken too. She lost her husband, her oldest son has dementia, and now her daughter is dying of cancer. Nicole doesn't really understand what is going on. She knows her mom is sick but doesn't understand why she is not getting better. Every day Nicole asks my mom "are you better, mommy?" she just doesn't get it. Me? Well, I am doing ok. I just got back home to Georgia but I have received some really cool acts of prayerfulness this week. God has been speaking to me through people at the right place at the right times. I have had an astounding amount of strength that could only have come from God.....Please continue to pray for my mom and my family as this is an arduous time for all.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Update on Mom 2

As the surgeon walked away my step dad and I were each left alone in our thoughts. A strange stillness encircled us in the mist of the chatter of the busy waiting room. Time stood still. We both looked at each other, holding back emotion. I sat there next to the man I loathed 3 months ago; the man that has never truly accepted me as part of his family. The man that has stood between my mother and me for the past 15 years was now including me in a life and death decision. I think he was looking for reassurance that he himself had not made a mistake. The day was long and taxing on our nerves…While we sat, while we paced, while we waited all I could do was pray. It has been one of those times in life that I can already look back and see one set of foot prints in the sand. I felt an inexplicable strength come from within me while I was making the phone calls to family and friends. It took all that was within me to not break. One of things I dreaded the most was telling my grandmother, my mother's mother, that her daughter could not be cured. But God already went ahead of me and my grandmother already knew, by one look at my face, that it was too late. She took it as well as expected. She is upset and her heart aches for her daughter. My mother stayed in recovery for too many hours. After I went back to the hotel to get my grandmother and sister, Lonny was still in the hall (we had already abandoned the noisy waiting room for a small, quiet in-cove down the hallway). I called into the recovery room and she was awake and waiting for a room to open up. She's awake I asked? Yes. I wondered why in the heck they hadn't come to get her husband. Maybe she just woke up, even though it was 5 hours later. Lonny's friend, Frank, was in the area and was at the hospital when I had come back. He was very calm and supportive. I was glad he was there for Lonny. By this time it was getting dark and my head was throbbing. Finally, around 7:45pm they let us back to see my mother. She looked worse than ever but as I looked around the room I realized that anesthesia is not flattering on anyone. It wasn't till around 9pm, and after I was being kicked out of the hall for not having a visitor’s pass, that my mother was transported to a room. When she got settled all she wanted to do was enjoy the stillness of her private room. The recovery room had been hectic and chaotic, she was glad to be anywhere but there. I left the hospital around 10pm and was back at 6am. The surgeon came in and explained to my mother why he could not do the surgery. She laid there with a bewildered look on her face. I was so drained I could say nothing. My mother approved of any kind of treatment or procedure that needed to be done. She asked and the doctor answered that this could not be cured; yet she agreed, without question, to put a port in her chest to do chemotherapy treatments. I still do not think she fully comprehends the reality of it all. She thinks she can beat this. God help us, if she can. By observing my mom think and react, I don't imagine that my mom is at all ready to die.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Update on Mom 1

Its ironic how when your world stops the rest of the world keeps on going and you are left standing in the vastness of the truth.....the numbness that can suddenly take over your entire body and the fact that you cannot wrap your mind around what you just heard......The surgeon came out after about an hour and said that the cancer is everywhere, all over her body. There is really nothing he can do to save her. If he keeps on going, he runs a much higher risk and she may never leave this hospital. If he stops and closes her back up, she would be able to go home to die. Lonny and I decided that she would much rather be at home, and elected to stop the surgery. We are both torn, hoping we made the right decision. We are going to go meet the surgeon back here at 6am, and he is going to tell mom then. He doesn't want to tell her much of anything while she is still under anesthesia. Please continue to pray for her and that she is comfortable and at peace. Family - we haven't told grams yet. Please pray for her and how she will take the news, as she has been in denial for so long, she will have to face the reality of the situation. Feel free to call if you have any questions and I or Lonny can answer them as best as we can. We will also be making phone calls later.