Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Last Tuesday night Smith-Barnes Elementary School put on a smashing performance of “Annie,” an elementary musical, to a packed house. The crowd was enthusiastic and the cast received a standing ovation.

It all started with an idea and a dream. Smith-Barnes’ own art and music teacher, Charles Clinkenbeard, took on the project with a vengeance. With help from other teachers and the support of the administration, he began holding try-outs for the parts. There was an overwhelming amount of talent that showed up to audition. Mr. C, as the children call him, had some tough decisions to make. After the parts were cast and the stage hands picked, they embarked on their musical journey. Jason Wright, a Title One teacher, took on the role of drama teacher. Zabra Rice, the computer lab teacher, designed and sewed all the costumes. The three spent countless hours before and after school getting the students ready for the performance. The cast and crew worked endlessly on learning the songs, choreography and lines.

The play was performed in the Smith-Barnes cafeteria. The staff had to turn away people at the door because there was no room for them to stand. Annie, a 4th grader, performed by Siennna Chevere, with her enchanting voice gave a stellar performance. The entire cast was brilliant. The play was enjoyed by all who were able to make it into the school to see it.

The students plan to give an encore presentation at the request of Stockbridge Elementary next Tuesday.

SIDE NOTE: Not only did Mr. C have the satisfaction of a job well done, his wife congratulated him by giving birth to their second daughter, 10 hours after curtain call

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